There are a few things that I wish someone had told me...
- 1. Buy nappies online – it’s as cheap as or cheaper than from the supermarket and it’s so easy when it’s delivered to your door. One less thing to worry about! I use and literally the nappies are at my door within hours.
- If you are breastfeeding, express a little milk each day or second day. This allows you freedom to go out without worrying about needing to be home within a certain time to feed baby. It also allows your partner to take a night time feed, giving you much needed rest! I find that the plastic bags you can buy from chemists to store and freeze breast milk the most useful. I also think an electric breast pump is a good investment.
- It will actually be a wonderful time! So many books and magazines seem to focus on the transition to motherhood being a difficult and trying time. I have been very lucky, but I have found motherhood to be nothing but pure joy. I really had assumed that the first six weeks were going to be awful but have been pleasantly surprised to find that they have been lovely (so far!).
- Do not put yourself under house arrest. The wonderful thing about newborns is how portable they are! They sleep a lot of the time and fit into slings and capsules. Go out to dinner or lunch – make sure that you “rejoin” the world as soon as you feel up to it. Whether that's with your baby or catching up with a friend while someone else minds bub (again express, express, express!). With baby, shopping centres are a great option as they have fabulous parent rooms. I assumed a parent room would be a small room with a chair but most are full on lounges with TVs, microwaves for heating milk and loads of comfortable seating for breastfeeding. Most seem to be the size of a small house! If anybody tells you that you shouldn't be out with such a small baby remind that s/he had to get home from the hospital somehow.
- Read, read, read but realise that the expert on your baby and you is you and your baby. Books will often give conflicting advice and other people definitely will. Get to know your baby first and foremost. Use the helpful advice, setting aside anything that doesn’t work for you.
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