Saturday, June 18, 2011

Adventures in Kiddieland

One of the lovely things about parenting is the liberty it allows you to do all manner of childish things.
Over the last fee weekends I have ice skated, crawled through tunnels at lollipops playland, laughed and cried at Disney movies, riden in a real olden day steam train, rushed around with a towel over my shoulders pretending to be a friendly dragon, played numerous games of chasey, hooned around the verandah on Scooter designed for a two year and blown bubbles into the wind.

There are so many amazing things to do with kids in and around Brisbane.

The ice skating was done at the winter festival currenlty in king George square - I never thought I would be pushing my son around the ice on an outdoor rink in the middle of Brisbane city. But I did and we loved it.

Each library offers it's own versions of rhyme time and the museum, state library, GOMAand art gallery never fail to have the most amazing kids activities free of charge.

Some of the things Isaac loves to do I think are ordinary but through his eyes become extraordinary - a ride on a train or ferry is an adventure within itself. Watching diggers and trucks at building sites is a wonderful way to spend an hour or two. Spotting buses and motor bikes on a car ride leads to squeals of excitement.

This absolute enthusiasm for life is so joyous and contagious. I look forward to each weekend and the new adventures we will embark on together.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Motherhood the Musical

Last night I saw Motherhood the Musical with a dear friend. Girls' nights out (or girls' nights off being more accurate as a mother) are always fun and this one was particular good.

The musical is full of moments mothers will identify with - both hilarious and touching. The central premise is around four neighbourhood friends, the youngest of which is expecting her first child. She is full of glowing naivety which the others set about to redress during her surprise baby shower. The three women are already mothers falling into the stereo types of: recently divorced mum, stay at home mum and career mum. Through a number of songs and sly comments the musical demonstrates the wonderful, the mundane, the exhaustion and the elation of motherhood and realionshops.

My only critisicm of the musical - the mums were highly stereo-typed. The career mum formula fed, the stay at home mum feels underappreciated and belittled at times, the divorced mum comfort eats.

Despite the career mum being the one I should have identified with, my favourite character was the wise cracking stay at home mum, who got all the best lines and songs. The very funny "mummy, mummy,mummy" - an observation about the fact you wait excitedly for your baby to say "mummy" and after that point sometimes wish they hadn't as they consistently whine for you all day. And the beautiful "Daniel's Mum" which highlights the sacrfices one makes as a mum but the absolute joy that comes with being the "star" in your child's life and experiencing things from thier point if view. She also has a genius line in a song about lack of bladder control - "I leak like Julian Assange".

I identified closley with the expectant mum and her mile long list of (as one song put it) s&@$ she doesn't need. I remember clearly the lists of ridiculous items outlined in magazines (who are clearly paid to sell said items). Yet as a first time mum with time and money on your side you fall for this hook, line and sinker.

Motherhood the musical is a great night out for mums and mums to be.

Playing at the 12th Night Theater, Bowen Hills, 24th May - 14th June.